Sunday, November 13, 2005

Miracles and Angels

I've always believed in the power of prayer, I should know better than most that it works. Angels, no problem, sometimes even when they are human.

But not too long ago, the best friend of my friend M had an aneursym in her brain. K had just turned 40, and except for smoking and the stress of losing her oldest son this last year lived a healthy lifestyle. But she also was on the pill.

The combination proved fatal. Only life support was keeping her alive, the doctors held out no help at all. Even if she lived, they said, she would be a vegetable.

K is one of those people who even if you just meet them, make you feel special. She loves everyone. I don't know her well, but I love her. She's just like that, her dad too. He has already lost two grandchildren, to lose his daughter and his best friend... She's worked beside him since she was eight years old. When she was in a coma he told M "That's my whole world lying there."

K has a 14 year old son, who watched his beloved older brother bleed to death last year. Now he was going to lose his mother barely over a year later. K had a heart attack and a stroke while they were operating.

No hope. No hope at all. Flat line in the brain activity department. Time to pull the plug.

Except. Except we NEED K here. We need her sweetness and her smile. We need her love. I personally could not bear to think of her father and her teenage son. Especially her teen age son.

Sometimes you just have to trust that what happens is just right. But it didn't feel right, not at all. Those closest to her were sure they could feel her. I felt her, and I don't even know her that well. The doctors didn't want to keep working on her. So we prayed. I sent an email to everyone I know to pray for her. Several of them sent her out on a prayer circle. I signed on a prayer circle on the internet, worldwide. And...K moved a finger. Just barely, but a nurse caught it and talked the doctors into working with her.

One day I couldn't feel K any more. I thought perhaps she had gone on to be with her son, and I was so disappointed, because I really felt she would pull through. What happened was, K woke up! Still unconcious, but not in a coma. The doctors are still giving a no-hope prognosis, that she is too brain damaged to ever be anything but a vegetable. We kept praying. All of us, all around the world.

How many times have I prayed for people I've never even heard of, never would meet? Oddly enough, one of the people in the prayer line wrote me personally, not knowing who I was. Last year I had been praying for the recovery of her daughter from cancer. It also was a no chance situation. Ruthie mentioned she had been blessed with her own miracle last year, so I guess it worked!

K can now sit up with assistance. She can motion with her eyes and squeeze your hand to signal what she wants. She can let you know if she wants the pink or purple socks. She can follow her son around the room with her eyes. She can feel and move at least slightly, all of her limbs. She can pet the toy lab dog M brought her, until she can go home to pet her own beloved dog. M is beside herself, thinking of things she can do for K. M is covering for K at her job, but it's really too much for her, and I am covering for M. Actually, I like that, but I'm exhausted for the rest of the week. But the only help I can really give is to babysit so M can go visit. It's a very long drive. I figure the only way I can help K is by letting M spend more time with her. I keep trying to think up things though, that she would like.

When I sent out my update tonight to the prayer groups, I looked for an angel to send with it. I didn't find what I wanted, but I did find some wonderful artwork that inspired me. I think I will make an angel for K. It will be an angel of plenty, with lots of fruit and maybe a few little animals. A laughing, bright angel, like K is to us every day.

One of the ladies wrote me to ask if she could send a card to K. She is from Australia! I've gotten a lot of personal responses from people from the prayer groups, it's so sweet.

And K, well, K is going to recover fully. The doctors don't know that yet, but we do. M and I do, and so do all those wonderful people out there praying for her. All of Karen's angels...Thank you.

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