Monday, May 15, 2006

The Hair of the Dog

Maybe my eyeballs are fried, but I think I've forgotten to mention my good luck. First, Judy, my crafty friend, sent me what she says is three ounces of washed wool. Three ounces of washed wool fills an entire grocery bag when it's picked. That's where I got the wool, neat huh! I had a whole bunch of pictures and stuff I thought I put on here. So weird....

Thanks to the lovely and talented Kimberly of Barebottomed Bears who also makes adorable mice and leopards who sent me gorgeous fur off of her Beranese Mountain Dog, Frodo. It's jet black and so soft, and best yet, he sheds twice a year. Well, best for me at least!

I also have a bag of poodle fur from the darlings of Velma's, Fritz, Julie and Nikki. This of course will go to the making of mini poodles.