Thursday, May 11, 2006


So much for Citizen Kane.

That fuzzy mushroom below? Well, it grumbled and griped, then suddenly decided it liked pink. PINK! So I just kept poking away, and eventually, this was born.

Her name is Rosebud. No, it's not like me. The more I hang around at Teddy Talk, the more girly girly I get. The more I like (shudder) pink. I'm playing with dolls! I like it!

Anyway, Rosebud is fully jointed, meaning she can pose lots of different ways. Not too bad for my very first one. No pattern, just hanging out with extremely talented and helpful people on-line, bless 'em. This is Rosebud's back, so if you look really close, you can see her cute little tail.

As a matter of fact, Rosebud seems to like being in the lime light a lot.

And of course, she had to meet Moosie. Well, she wanted to meet everyone, but Morphy was a little too interested, and the others got up and left.

Well, I finally got her settled down, but tomorrow is another day.

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